To get started, join a voice channel and -play a song! You can use song names, video links, and playlist links
Aliases: p, start
It Pauses playback.
Aliases: hold, break
Resumes playback.
Aliases: continue, unpause
Sets the player's volume. Your volume must be between 0 to 100.
Aliases: vol, v, volumes
Disconnects the bot from your voice channel and clears the queue.
Aliases: dc, disconnect, dis
Stop the current queue
Aliases: end
Skips and play the next song.
Aliases: next, nxt
Displays info about the current playing track.
Aliases: np, song, currentsong
Display information about a specific song in the queue.
Aliases: si
Starts looping your current track or the queue.
Aliases: lp, repeat
Displays the queue/playlist.
Aliases: qu, songlist
Searches for your query on YouTube and lets you choose which songs to queue. To queue a track of the results, just type it's number.
Aliases: sr, ytsearch, ytsr
Searches for your query and displays the returned lyrics.
Aliases:ly, lyric
Removes the specified track from the queue.
Aliases: drop, out, del, delete
Randomizes the tracks in the queue..
Aliases: sf, mix, randomise, randomize
Skip to the selected queue number.
Aliases: st, jump